The 11th International Conference on
Surface Plasmon Photonics

May 19 – 23, 2025

Hitotsubashi Hall, National Center of Sciences Building, Tokyo, Japan


About the travel support for students/young researchers and attendees from developing countries, see below.

SPP11 (May 19-23, 2025) Registration Fee 

Early Bird Registration
before April. 7th, 2025
Standard Registration
after April. 8th, 2025
Regular ¥118,000 ($790) ¥133,000 ($890) ¥13,500 ($90)
Student ¥58,000 ($390) ¥73,000 ($490)

Registration fee in dollars is converted at a rate of 150 yen per dollar.

(1) Registration Fee for the Conference includes:
 *Admission to all technical sessions from May 19 to May 23, 2025.
 *Admission to the Get Together on the evening of May 18, 2025.
 *Lunch for registered participants from May 19 to May 22, 2025.
 *Coffee and water available throughout all technical sessions.
 *Access to the Online Program for viewing and downloading abstracts.
(2) Students are required to submit a copy of valid student ID upon registration.
(3) Registration Fee does NOT include banquet and excursion fee.

SPP11 School (May 16-17, 2025) Registration Fee

Early Bird Registration
before April. 7th, 2025
Standard Registration
after April. 8th, 2025
Student ¥45,000 ($300) ¥60,000 ($400)
Regular ¥75,000 ($500) ¥90,000 ($600)

Registration fee in dollars is converted at a rate of 150 yen per dollar.

(1) School Registration Fee includes;
 *Admission to all school classes.
 *Lunch for registered participants on May 16 and 17, 2025.
 *Admission to the School Get Together on the evening of May 16, 2025.
(2) School Registration Fee does NOT include accommodation.
For details of SPP11 School, see here.


Registration will be completed only with full payment.
All payment must be paid only in Japanese yen.

Payment Method:

  1. Credit Card by Online
    (VISA, Master Card, JCB, American Express or Diners only)
    Please use a credit card which is valid at least until June 2025.
    [IMPORTANT] In case you get an error message once, please call your credit card company and get the clarification of the reason before trying the second time. (If you fail more than a certain number of times, you will no longer be able to make payments.)
    Credit card Image
    Credit card payment will be processed through GMO Payment Gateway Inc.
  2. Domestic Bank Transfer
    Payment by Bank Transfer will be available until May 9, 2025 (JST).
    Please make sure to complete the payment by that date if you choose this method.
    Please note that the bank account No. will be unique to each participant. Therefore, please find your bank account No. on the procedure page of your My Page and complete the payment individually.
    A bank transfer must be made in full amount without any deductions of domestic bank charges.
  3. International Bank Wire Transfer
    Payment by Bank Transfer will be available until May 9, 2025 (JST).
    Please make sure to complete the payment by that date if you choose this method.
Bank Name: Resona Bank, Ltd.
Swift Code: DIWAJPJT (*Japanese Banks do not have IBAN codes.)
Branch Name: KUDAN BRANCH (Branch Code:274)
Account No.: 1474293
Account Name: ENHAL Inc.
Bank Address: 1-5-6 Kudanminami Chiyoda City, Tokyo 102-0074
Account Holder Address: 1-8-9 Uchikanda Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0047, Japan
  1. *Bank transfer must be made in full amount without any deduction of domestic and overseas bank charges.
    Please include your "Registration Number (A*****)" in the sender information.
    When making a collective bank transfer, please inform the name of applicants and registration numbers (A*****) by e-mail to the SPP11 Registration Desk (

Invoice and Receipt

You can download invoice and receipt from My Page. Please be noted that any request of sending receipts via email or postal mail is unacceptable.

Change & Cancellation Policy

Before the payment:
You can change your registered information or cancel your registration from My Page.

After the payment completed:
Any change that include the Registration and Banquet fee, or cancellation of registration should be made in writing to SPP11 Registration Desk (registration@spp11.Tokyo).
You can change other information from My Page.

The date and time of the change and cancellation will be based on the working hours (Monday through Friday 10:00–17:00 [JST]) except the National Holidays in Japan. After working hours, cancellation will be made next day, which may incur charges.

Cancellation Charge for Registration and Banquet fees
Before and on May 9, 2025 (JST) : No charge
On or after May 9, 2025 (JST) : 100% of the fee/NO REFUND


Refunds will be made upon with deducting bank transfer fee, and the cancellation charges.
If payment was made by credit card, refund will be made to the same credit card.
If the payment was made by bank transfer, please inform us of your bank account.

  1. Notice:

    Refund of your payment will not be conducted automatically.
    If refund occurs due to the change or cancellation of your registration, please contact SPP11 Registration Desk ( with your name and Registration Number.
    If the payment was made by bank transfer, please inform us of your bank account.

Travel support for students/young researchers and attendees from developing countries

We are delighted to announce the availability of travel expense support for (A) international students or young researchers, and (B) participants from developing countries. Please carefully read the following information. If you wish to request the travel support, apply through the “Apply for Travel Support” at the bottom of the page.

  1. 1. Although the total budget has not yet been finalized, the organizing committee plans to support at least 30 slots for (A) students or young researchers and 20 slots for (B) participants from developing countries.
  2. 2. Each recipient will receive support of up to JPY 150,000.
  3. 3. All applicants must submit their abstracts and pay the registration fee by Thursday, January 16th. Only applicants who meet these requirements will have their abstracts reviewed by the committee. The winners will be selected based on this review process.

Registration Desk

c/o Enhal Inc.
1-8-9 Uchikanda Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN
Office Hours: Mon – Fri 10:00–17:00 (JST)
Closed on Sat, Sun, and National Holidays
*The date and time of the cancellation and changes will be based on the working hours.