Call for Abstracts Opens: September 2024
Please submit your abstract by December 20th (Friday) at 23:59 JST (GMT+9:00)
January 20th, 2025 (Monday) at 23:59 JST (GMT+9:00)
Authors will be notified of the outcome of the review process: Early February, 2025
The presenting author has to be fully registered to the conference and paid corresponding fees no later than April 7th, 2025
Abstracts must be written in English.
Oral and poster presentations are counted for equally.
According to the conference policies each paper must be presented by at least one registered and paid author.
Accepted abstracts will be removed from the program if no presenting author is registered and paid by April 7th, 2025.
Your abstract submission must consists of two parts: A short Summary (Maximum 45 words) and a full abstract (A4 size (210mm x 297mm) , 1 page pdf)
Your one-page full abstract (pdf file) will be reviewed by the International Program Committee.
Only single page pdf will be considered.
Pdf format in best resolution.
Scanned pdf-files are not accepted.
Files must be created using a pdf-distiller, all fonts must be embedded.
The pdf may neither contain any form of access restriction, nor bookmarks or links.
Abstracts will be peer reviewed according to the following criteria:
Scientific quality of the abstract
Originality of the abstract
Relevance to SPP11 Conference
Potential impact of the abstract
The quality of the abstracts will form the basis for selection for the SPP11 Conference.
All abstracts should be submitted electronically through the online submission site. Clicking “Abstract Submission” button below will direct you to the submission site.
You will be asked to create an account first when you start using the submission system. After creating an account, you can log in to submit your abstract(s). You can update your account information or replace the uploaded abstract file(s) at any time before the submission deadline. We strongly recommend that you first create an account well in advance, before your abstract becomes finally ready for submission.
Abstracts submitted after January 22, 2025, will ONLY be considered for poster presentations under the Post-Deadline Paper category. Further details regarding the Post-Deadline Paper submission process will be announced at a later date.